The Mexican Central Highlands
October 2010
Temple of Tezcatlipoca

The Temple of Tezcatlipoca, seen from the Temple of Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli, at Teopanzolco.

The front of the Temple of Tezcatlipoca at Teopanzolco.

The Temple of Tezcatlipoca sits on the site’s east side behind the Temple of Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli.  It is basically just a raised platform with stairs in front.  I do not recall feeling anything special about it.

According to the INAH Plaque accompanying this temple, the Temple of Tezcatlipoca always accompanied the Temple of Huitzilopochtli.  Tezcatlipoca was the Mexicas’ Lord of Fire and Death.  The Mexicas (Aztecs) depicted Tezcatlipoca wearing a black mask and holding a smoking mirror.  Tezcatlipoca was the son of the Creator Deity, along with Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilpochtli, and Camaxtle.  According to Spanish chroniclers, Tezcatlipoca was 1 of the Mexicas’ most terrifying gods.