Bolivia-May 2009
Gate of the Sun

My absolute favorite part of Tiwanaku.  I feel tremendous joy and a magnetic attraction when standing before this Gate.  I cannot get enough of it.  I feel like the Gate is a dimensional doorway.  I really really wanted to walk through this Gate.  The guards had other ideas, however.  Maybe next time...

Originally this Gate was covered in gold.

Four gates are presently located at the ruins: the Gate of the Sun; the Gate of the Moon; a gate that looks like the Sun Gate fallen over on top of the Akapana Pyramid; and a gate that looks like the Moon Gate in the old museum, which the archaeologists call the “Star” Gate.  No way!!!  Yes, way... :-)  No photos allowed of the “Star” Gate :-(

The last day I stood before the Gate with “Yucatan”, our crystal skull that accompanied me on my journeys through the Mayan cities in the Yucatan.

The front of the Gate of the Sun at Tiwanaku
The back of the Gate of the Sun
“Yucatan” and Me in front of the Sun Gate
Detail of the front right of the Gate of the Sun